I am thinking about how I never could imagine, what we live today, this “bad” in my town?, to my people, to my people (known and unknown).
Years back and one day seems like suddenly, I opened my eyes and I saw this stranger called Athens,
an Athens I do not understand, is no longer this city, my city.
People walk with bowed head, sullen, frustrated,
all of them even I, sometimes look at me in the mirror and I do not recognize my self
Drugs, social kitchen, homeless episodes, a new record started few years back until today and unfortunately things go worse in this city once I loved and I was proud
The economic crisis was just the key in the door and now the door opened,
and I do not know if what we live are the shadows in Plato’s cave or the reality because if this is true then we have no future, because we just opened the damn box of Pandora