One of the most impressive things that make you believe again in humans,
to believe that together we can do it, is “the other human”.
(In Greek: “Ï ¢ëëïò ¢íèñùðïò”/ “O Allos Anthropos”)

In Greece, the last few years, hope is more and more lost, the smile is harder to find and
what you face is more and more stooped shoulders.

A few years ago (during the economic crisis) an idea was born by Kostas Polychronopoulos

Kostas Polichronopoulos
to bring people together to communicate again with focus on one basic need: food.

He thought to go out on the streets with a pot and cook for everyone:
black and white, homeless and sheltered.

Not by charity, anyone who is hungry can eat.

So the simple things (because life is found in simplicity, as ancient Greeks said:
“Wisdom is shown in clarity”,
became routine and it grew stronger and it became something stable.

You can visit the blog where you can find the program and find out where is the next appointment and if you want and you can go and help “The other human” with whatever you can, a package of pasta, rice etc.

Without the help and support of political parties, NGOs, the church, charities, Kostas, who does not want “hats”(someone over him), managed to make the world talk about “the other human” and
“The other human” became an institution and created anticipation for the hungry for the next appointment.

We all need the other human, we all need another human, just by ourselves we cannot make it, we can take a look around and it is proved daily.